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Fr. Tad talks with Drew Mariani about the ethics of the COVID vaccine. They discuss how the AstraZeneca vaccine is manufactured using aborted fetal cell lines, making it less desirable if there are alternatives that are just as effective, and discuss how the Pfizerer and Moderna vaccines do not rely on aborted fetal cell lines for their manufacture, relying instead on mRNA technology. However, some lateral testing of the mRNA vaccines was done using fetal cell lines from abortion. Fr. Tad notes that the Church allows one to take these vaccines, even if there is the involvement of aborted fetal cell lines, though end users should write a letter or e-mail to the pharmaceutical company in protest…pressing for the development of a "pure" vaccine in the future. If there are no effective alternatives on the same efficacy level, he adds that the AstraZeneca vaccine would still be permissible.


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