FT News Feed
- Father Tad
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- FT News Feed
- Drew Mariani Show with Father Tad on AI, Elon Musk, Neuralink, Brain Death, Organ Donation and the Work of Courage International
- Massachusetts Legislation - Surrogacy for Same-Sex Couples on Teresa Tomeo's Catholic Connection
- Father Tad & Drew Mariani Discuss Capital Punishment and Lab Grown Brains
- Fr. McTeigue and Fr. Tad's In-Depth Discussion of Brain Death and Organ Donation
- Father Tad Discusses the Significant Ethical Objections to In Vitro Fertilization on the Missouri Catholic Conference PodCast
- Father Tad Participates in a Panel Discussion on X - The Speaker Salon on China's On-Demand Organ Transplant Industry
- Deacon Mike Manno, Gina Noll, and Father Tad on Infertility & the Ethics of IVF
- Teresa Tomeo and Father Tad Discuss Transgender Ideological Currents
- Fr. McTeigue and Fr. Tad's In-Depth Discussion of the Ethics of IVF
- Questions Around Brain Death on the Drew Mariani Show
- Teresa Tomeo & Father Tad Discuss New Vatican Doc on Human Dignity
- Discussing the Ethics of Pig to Human Kidney Transplants
- Teresa Tomeo and Father Tad Discuss the Latest Diocesan Statements and Policies on Transgenderism
- Teresa Tomeo with Father Tad on the NHS & Puberty Blockers, Alabama Supreme Court & IVF
- Fr. Tad, and No Intelligent Person Can Possibly Believe...?
- Catholic 101 on IVF — Why Is IVF Wrong?
- Cremains & Donating Your Body to Science on the Drew Mariani Show
- Lincoln Diocese Partners with the National Catholic Bioethics Center
- New Threats to Informed Consent - Father Tad and Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Father Tad on Elon Musk and Brain-Computer Interfaces - Interview with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Father Tad on the Pope's Helpful Comments Condemning Surrogacy
- A Catholic Approach to Fertility - The Catholic Theology Show
- Should States or Countries Ban "Conversion Therapy?"
- CRISPR Gene Editing Treats Sickle Cell Anemia
- The Ethics of Privacy, 23andMe and How Our DNA Sequences are Used
- Father Tad on Synthetic Embryos in "The College Fix"
- Father Tad Fields Bioethics Questions from Callers on Catholic Answers
- Baby Indi Gregory — Parental Authority and a Child’s “Best Interests”
- Father Tad on the Death of Baby Indi and Other Bioethical Issues on the Drew Mariani Show
- NCBC Ethicist Addresses Catholic Healthcare Professionals on the Transgender Question
- The Pulse of Catholic Medicine: IVF and Infertility Talk by Father Tad
- News Brief: Focus of Florida Conference on Faith and Infertility
- Making Good Medical Decisions at the End of Life — The Drew Mariani Show
- Aleteia — Catholic Ethicists on California’s Rise in Assisted Suicide
- Teresa Tomeo and Fr. Tad Discuss Synthetic Embryos on Ave Maria Radio
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- News Brief: Phoenix Respect Life Luncheon Features Father Tad
- Understanding End of Life Decision Making - Fr Tad on the Bishop's Hour
- California and the False Logic of Physician-Assisted Suicide - Fr. Tad Comments to OSV
- Son Rise Morning Show – Father Tad Interviewed About Recent Legislative Recommendations Affecting How Brain Death is Determined
- Intersex, Trans, and Richard Dawkins
- Father Tad Discusses Embryo Adoption with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Bioethics on Air: Episode 118: 'State of the Union' on Biomedical Research
- Father Tad Weighs in on "Intersex" Confusion in CatholicVote Discussion
- Reverse-programming of Skin cells into Sex Cells. Father Tad Discusses “In Vitro Gametogenesis" on the Drew Mariani Show – Relevant Radio
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- A "Deep Dive" in Salon: Father Tad quoted in "How dead is 'dead enough'"?
- Catholic Answers Focus: Host Cy Kellett and Father Tad Discuss the Ethics of Transhumanism
- Our Sunday Visitor News Article by Kimberley Heatherington - Father Tad weighs in on "Synthetic Embryos"
- Father Tad Discusses "Synthetic Embryos" with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Our Sunday Visitor News Reporter Kate Scanlon Interviews Father Tad on the Legalization of Marijuana
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- "Current News" Anchor Christine Persichette Interviews Father Tad on the Ethical Concerns Raised by 3-Parent Embryo Technology
- Father Tad Discusses 3-Parent Embryo Technology with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Kresta in the Afternoon - Father Tad Weighs in on Mitochondrial Donation Treatment (MDT) and the First UK Baby born with DNA from 3 Parents
- Father Tad joins the Friars to Discuss "Cooperation with Evil" on the Dominican Godsplaining Podcast
- Respect for the Remains of the Dead with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) Publishes Father Tad's Column on 'Dissolving the Dead'
- Positively Pro-Life! Maria Gallagher interviews Father Tad on Bioethics and the Dangers of Assisted Suicide
- Transgender Reassignment Surgery: Father Tad weighs in on USCCB Statement
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- Incentivizing Organ Donations with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Iowa Catholic Faith on Trial Call-in Radio Show - Father Tad Discusses the Diocese of Des Moines Iowa Transgender Policy
- The FDA Modernization Act 2.0: Father Tad Contributes to Discussion on Updated Animal Welfare Law that Allows Alternative Testing for Drug Trials
- ‘Human Composting’ Debate: Father Tad Weighs in on the Human Composting and Liquefying Discussion in the National Catholic Register
- Kresta in the Afternoon - Fr. Tad Reflects on the Spiritual Side of Dementia
- Frozen in Time: Father Tad Contributes to Discussion on the Fate of Human Embryos on Ice in the National Catholic Register
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- Living Conscientiously: A Catholic Pharmacy Passionate About Life - Father Tad / NCBC Recognized in the National Catholic Register
- CFN Live - Monsignor James Vlaun Interviews Father Tad and Discusses NCBC Resources along with Key Ethical Topics
- The Moral Code & Reproductive Technologies with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- Genetics & the Woolly Mammoth with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Father Tad Comments on Reports of Producing Synthetic Mouse Embryos
- NCBC and St. Bernard's Announce New Graduate Certification Program in Catholic Bioethics
- Is Abortion Allowed for a 10-year-old Rape Victim? - Father Tad Comments to the CNA
- The Pro-Life Response to Life-Threatening Pregnancies - Father Tad Quoted in the National Catholic Register
- Proposed Anti-Abortion Laws Could Limit IVF Availability - Father Tad Quoted in The Guardian
- Proposed California Legislation Could Undermine Protection for Newborns – Father Tad Quoted in the National Catholic Register
- Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Federally Funded Research - Father Tad Comments to the National Catholic Register
- ‘Safe’ Injection Sites for Drug Addicts – Father Tad Comments to the National Catholic Register
- Father Tad Discusses the Need for Conscience Exemptions from COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates with the Associated Press
- Father Tad Interviewed About The Principles of Catholic Bioethics by the University of Mary
- Gene Editing with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Vatican Issues a Second COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate – Father Tad Quoted in the National Catholic Register
- Son Rise Morning Show – Father Tad Interviewed About Pig Heart Transplant to Human Recipient
- Pig Heart Transplant to a Human Recipient - Father Tad Comments to USA Today
- CFN Live - Monsignor James Vlaun Interviews Father Tad and Discusses the Work and Resources of the NCBC
- USA Today Discusses Latino Vaccination Rates, Vaccine Hesitancy, and Conscience Exemptions for Mandates with Father Tad
- USA Today and Father Tad Discuss the Morality of Pig-to-Human Kidney Transplants
- CA Live Radio — Father Tad Discusses Yoga, brain death, Viagra and Contraception
- Individual Conscience Concerns and Federal Guidelines for Vaccine Religious Exemptions — Father Tad's Comments to the CNA
- Resources for Catholic Ethical and Moral Concerns Related to COVID-19 - Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
- Father Tad Discusses Religious Exemption Requests in Higher Education
- Father Tad on the NCBC Conscience Exemption Form and the Pope's Comments on Vaccination — Catholic News Service
- Father Tad Discusses COVID Vaccine Mandates on Sirius XM Radio
- Father Tad Discusses COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in Hospitals and Universities on the Son Rise Morning Show
- Father Tad Comments on Proposed Changes to Brain Death Laws — Catholic News Agency
- EWTN World Over with Raymond Arroyo on J & J Vaccine
- Father Tad in Wall Street Journal re J&J's Vaccine - OK to Receive?
- J & J COVID Vaccine with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- ABC News - Fr Tad on Johnson & Johnson's vaccine rekindling questions
- Father Tad on Vatican Employees and COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Vaccine Ethics
- EWTN World Over with Raymond Arroyo
- Vaccines with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- NC Register - As COVID-19 Vaccinations Ramp Up, Ethical Issues Arise
- Kresta in the Afternoon Radio — Fr. Tad Discusses Vaccine Ethics
- Interview on CFN TV About mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
- Father Tad in Public Discourse on Fetal Tissue
- ABC News and Fetal Tissue Usage
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show with Father Tad
- Father Tad Interviewed on CFN TV in Long Island
- National Catholic Register — COVID Vaccines Enter Testing
- National Catholic Register — Ethical Hurdles & COVID Vaccines
- Father Tad & Dr. Hannan Address Brain Death in Legatus Magazine
- Radio Interview on SiriusXM About Covid-19 Vaccine Developments
- Release of Final Report — NIH Human Fetal Tissue Ethics Advisory Board
- Al Kresta Interviews Father Tad on Russian Coronavirus Vaccine Development
- Father Tad Appointed to the National Institutes of Health Human Fetal Tissue Research Ethics Advisory Board
- Al Kresta Interviews Father Tad on the Ethics of Covid Vaccines
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show with Father Tad
- Catholic Health Association's Magazine: Health Progress references Father Tad's Ventilator Allocation Position
- The National Catholic Register on Dubious Coronavirus Remedies
- CatholicPhilly.com and Father Tad's Comments on Allocating Ventilators
- Catholic News Service Includes Father Tad's Comments on Covid-19

The NCBC’s Father Tad answered call-in questions about bioethics on a October 7, 2020, episode of EWTN’s Catholic Answers Live show. A range of fascinating topics were covered, including:
08:32 - What is the Catholic Church’s current teaching on adopting IVF babies in the form of embryos?
19:25 - Is it true that aborted fetal tissue may be used in vaccines and we may take the vaccines as long as there is no other option?
28:22 - Is it true that you are not truly dead when you donate your organs? Is it moral for a person to donate an organ to someone else, like a kidney?
34:41 - What is the Church’s teaching on transgender hormone treatments and surgeries, especially on kids?
46:31 - Should we be reaching out to these vaccine companies now requesting that they do not use embryonic cells?
50:32 - How should Catholics react if it is mandated for everyone to get a covid vaccine in order to go to work or school?