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The NCBC’s Father Tad answered call-in questions about bioethics on the December 5, 2022 episode of EWTN’s Catholic Answers Live show. A range of important topics were covered, including:

  • 22:01 - What’s the difference between stem cells and cell lines? 
  • 34:13 - How do we respond to people who ground human value in consciousness? 
  • 36:54 - Could you give an overview of transhumanism and if there is any link to the covid vaccine? 
  • 41:19 - What do you think is the reason why people become gay? Is it genetic or is it cultural? 
  • 46:51 - The drug Humera is made with human and animal cells. Do you know what those cells are specifically from? https://cogforlife.org/ 
  • 49:23 - If a trans person is considering joining the Catholic Church, would they have to detransition? 
  • 52:40 - Is there is a stage in human development where we have a same-sex attraction? 

The interview is available here: 


Video of Catholic Answers Live Program on Bioethics: